Tuesday, 30 October 2012


After numerous attempts of designing a grenade following Rob's instructions in class and losing them all because my computer crashed about 3 times...:(  a week later, following a tutorial from Badking's website, I have managed to save 2 images of intermediary stages of the grenade. Of course, there is a lot more to work to go into it, but everything I have saved is in Zbrush (college version), while the one I have at home is a slightly older one, so cannot carry on from where I have left it...

To get to this stage, I have started with a Sphere 3D and once I have selected it from the Tool menu on the right hand side of the screen, I have clicked T (shortcut for Edit), and also Make Polymesh 3D (top right hand side of the screen in the tool menu), in order to be able to start modelling. That allows the Sphere to be modified, which is what I will do next. Next, I have selected the Move Elastic Brush from the brush menu ( BME as a shortcut), increased the draw size by clicking and dragging the button "Draw Size" from the top of the canvas. I have shaped my Sphere into an egg shape and then using Masking (pressing CTRL outside my model and creating a rectangular selection by dragging the mouse or pen if using a Graphics Tablet), I have drawn 5 parallel lines onto my shape. I have then inverted my selection by clicking on the canvas outside my model. I have then used the Inflate balloon Tool from the menu on the right. This inflate tool can be found in the Deformation Submenu. this is how I have managed to create the grenade-like texture. 
I have then appended a cube from the Tool menu on the right hand side and again, using deformation, I have made my cube a lot thinner by clicking and dragging the mouse with the Size selected in the Deformation submenu on right. 

In order to cut the side of my Square shape appended, I have selected the Cube Subtool, and then selected the Clip Curve brush in the Brush palette. By clicking and dragging the mouse from top to bottom of the screen, I have cut part of my shape off. If i would have clicked and dragged the mouse from bottom to top, I would have cut the other side of muy shape, leaving just a small triangular shape. So it's very important to check where is the shadow cast by the Clip Curve Brush when dragging the mouse onto the model. After cutting it, I have used the Move option on the menu above the canvas to move this new object slightly inside the grenade. ...
...This is as far as I got in class ,but will update with a new grenade designed in my personal version of ZBrush...

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

spooky tree


These are intermediate stages of a spooky tree design we started in class. Modelling is nearly done, all that is left, is to add some texture and colour to the design. The snapshots that follow are of work done on the 4th of October in class. 

I have started with a ZSphere and pulled out a lot more ZSpheres from it, till I got to this stage, looking like an unusual root of a tree. I'm quite happy with the look of it. As I have mentioned before, this was all done in class, and because the version of ZBrush I have at home is the previous one from the one in college, I cannot carry on from where I am leaving it in class...

A different angle snapshot of the same spooky tree.

With the Damn standard Brush selected, in Edit mode, I have clicked and dragged a few lines on my tree to give it some texture. However, I did have a look at different texture in the Lightbox menu, at the top of the canvas. I have chosen a bark texture, but I don't think I have pressed the right button, as it didn't apply it to my model.
 Unfortunately class was over and didn't get a chance to finish it, but I intend to start from scratch at home over the holidays and get it to a more advanced stage.

3D one eyed monster


The one eyed monster we did during lecture, was lost, as I didn't have any means to save it at the time, so  I have recreated it at home. There are some screen grabs that I will show here, of various stages and also, worth mentioning is, I have attempted twice to create the monster, so there are 2 quite different shaped ones.

Both times however, I have encountered the same issue: once the modelling was done, I have clicked off the Edit mode and wasn't able to get back into it...(need to research what am I doing wrong and how to solve this issue).

I have managed to achieve this shape by selecting a Sphere3D from the tool menu and dragging it onto the canvas. As soon as I did that, I have clicked T (Shortcut for Edit), which allows me to start modelling. I have also selected the option Make Polymesh3D from the tool menu on the right hand side, again, in order to be able to work with the object selected. Next step was to select the Move Elastic brush and increase the brush size to 64, which is quite a large size and by clicking the left button of the mouse and dragging, I managed to shape the Sphere into a monster looking creature. By clicking Alt and dragging the mouse with the Move Elastic brush selected, you actually sculpt inside the Sphere, and that's how I managed to create the whole for the eye. The material selected for this project was Mat Cap Red from the left handside menu.

With RGB selected this time, and the brush changed to spray, I have chosen a lime green form the colour palette and have sprayed my model all over. I have then changed the colour in the colour palette to red and sprayed the lips, after decreasing the brush drawing size considerably, for more accuracy.. This is as far as I got with my first model as I have done something that didn't allow me to carry on modelling...

 For my second attempt, I have followed the same steps, with the difference that after the overall shape was finished, I have chosen the Groom Spike brush and with Zadd selected and brush in Dots mode , I have added some texture to my model. This time, I have used Clay buildup brush to model ears and mouth for my monster as well. Again, with Alt selected, while dragging the mouse, you sculpt inside the model, so that's how I have managed to make the whole for the mouth.

For the next step, I have appended another Sphere 3D for the monster's eye, by clicking Append in the tool menu on the right hand side. Clicking on the Move button at the top of the screen, I have then started to move the eye in place. By clicking on the Transparent option, just by the side of the canvas, you can select the monster shape to become transparent, allowing you to place the eye in the socket in the exact position.  Next step should be colouring the monster, but this is as far as I got again, as, for some strange reason, I have tried doing some more modelling, and couldn't select drawing mode, in order to edit the model.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

first blog


     I have seen and worked in ZBrush for the very first time on the 27/09/2012. Thoroughly loved it. Only did a tutorial initially, but it felt amazing. Unfortunately, I didn't get  chance to save the work I have done during class, and didn't have access to ZBrush for the whole week.

   So, as the next best thing, I have done a little bit of work (for the very first time again), in Mud box on the computers in the College Library.

    I have played around with the standard head: modelled it, painted it, but at this point in time, not really able to save as Jpeg, so could not upload it here...


Well, I have learnt how to save the document as a JPG ( yeey :) and here it is, the first stage of my Mudbox project.

I found it difficult to model the mouth, hence the weird shape instead of a mouth. Need to practice more with this software.