Wednesday 3 October 2012

first blog


     I have seen and worked in ZBrush for the very first time on the 27/09/2012. Thoroughly loved it. Only did a tutorial initially, but it felt amazing. Unfortunately, I didn't get  chance to save the work I have done during class, and didn't have access to ZBrush for the whole week.

   So, as the next best thing, I have done a little bit of work (for the very first time again), in Mud box on the computers in the College Library.

    I have played around with the standard head: modelled it, painted it, but at this point in time, not really able to save as Jpeg, so could not upload it here...


Well, I have learnt how to save the document as a JPG ( yeey :) and here it is, the first stage of my Mudbox project.

I found it difficult to model the mouth, hence the weird shape instead of a mouth. Need to practice more with this software.

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