Wednesday 10 October 2012

spooky tree


These are intermediate stages of a spooky tree design we started in class. Modelling is nearly done, all that is left, is to add some texture and colour to the design. The snapshots that follow are of work done on the 4th of October in class. 

I have started with a ZSphere and pulled out a lot more ZSpheres from it, till I got to this stage, looking like an unusual root of a tree. I'm quite happy with the look of it. As I have mentioned before, this was all done in class, and because the version of ZBrush I have at home is the previous one from the one in college, I cannot carry on from where I am leaving it in class...

A different angle snapshot of the same spooky tree.

With the Damn standard Brush selected, in Edit mode, I have clicked and dragged a few lines on my tree to give it some texture. However, I did have a look at different texture in the Lightbox menu, at the top of the canvas. I have chosen a bark texture, but I don't think I have pressed the right button, as it didn't apply it to my model.
 Unfortunately class was over and didn't get a chance to finish it, but I intend to start from scratch at home over the holidays and get it to a more advanced stage.

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