Thursday 8 November 2012

Mr P - pumpkin

For my first object, I have decided to model a pumpkin, as I think I would like to design some sort of cartoon based around a pumpkin, I have not heard of anything like this before, so I think it's a viable idea, and hopefully quite versatile, as you can add all different facial expressions and give it different personalities. As reference for this object, I have done some drawings of my own, with different personality characters (Mr P, Baby P, etc) and I have searched on Google images for cartoon pumpkins, which gave me these three preferred images.

My drawings of pumpkin characters, initially done for Character concept art, but I thought these will help with inspiration for my model. I have Mr P in the top left corner, Mrs P in the top right corner, P Junior in the bottom left corner and Baby P in the bottom left corner.

 In order to achieve my model, I have started off with a Sphere3D from the tool menu on the right hand side, dragged it onto the canvas and Clicked T or Edit mode, in order top be able to start modelling. I have also selected Make Polymesh 3D from the right hand side menu before  selecting and using Move Elastic brush from the brush palette to do the stem by clicking and dragging the pen. I have then used  Clay and Clay Buildup brush to sculpt the eye sockets, eye brows and nose, by clicking Alt for sculpting in and just drawing on it for adding clay for the eye brows and nose.

I have then appended 2 x 3DSpheres for the eyes, and with the main pumpkin in Transparent mode, I have placed the spheres in the eye sockets, after resizing them to the appropriate proportions for the eye sockets, by choosing size in Deformation Submenu and dragging the pen for increasing or decreasing the size.

For some reason, my left eye became a bit squashed, so I have deleted it from the subtool menu on the right hand side and have then duplicated the subtool with the right eye, so now, both my eyes are the same size and are in the right place.

I have experimented with noise from the Lightbox menu above the canvas, to give my pumpkin a bit of texture.

 After I have tried most of the options in the noise palette, I have decided upon Noise 09.ZNM.
I have then, masked the eyes and nose( as I didn't wantthe noise to be applied to them as well) and applied it. To mask a surface, all I need to do was click Ctrl and draw the areas I wanted to protect. That literarily aplies a dark brown colour to the model, where the brown area is being protected from the future adjustments.

Next step was colouring the eye. So I have activated the RGB and radial symmetry to give the realistic effect to the red veins inside the pupil. I have set Alpha to 58 and with quite a large size brush and the spray brush, I have drawn the veins.

I have then duplicated the layer with the eye, in order to create the second eye and placed in the other eye socket by using Move from the menu above the canvas.

Both eyes in, I have added some noise to the eyes as well.(Noise 04_ZNM)

I have masked part of the pumpkin again (by pressing Ctrl and colouring the area I wanted to protect), in order to be able to use Clip Curve brush to cut some teeth out. 

Teeth being cut with quite a few small Clip Curve adjustments, by choosing Clip Curve brush from the brush palette, I have then coloured them with an off white / grey-ish colour By selecting RGB and choosing a grey-off white colour from the colour palette and with the brush being set in Drag dot I have coloured the eyes with a just a few drags of the pen.

I have used Damn Standard brush to create the hair by dragging the pen onto the graphics tablet (which creates 3D lines) and then added colour to it By choosing dark brown from the colour palette and putting RGB on

Finally, I have used the clay buildup brush to create the ears and adjusted the eyelids to go around the eyes, and voila, I introduce you to  Mr P. :)

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