Wednesday 7 November 2012

mudbox creature

This is one of my attempts to model in Mudbox. Before I had Zbrush at home, I had nowhere to practice 3D modelling apart from college, where time is really limited. Access to the computers with the software installed, is practically nil, apart from the 3 hours when we have our class. So next best thing, was to do some modelling in Mudbox, which is freely available on the College Library computers. 

I have started with a basic human head and attempted remodelling its features. I have reshaped the ears and nose, ears and I have used brushes to paint on the eye brows,  hair and sideburns. I have basically experimented, by using every button, option and subtool available, trying to see what each of them does. I have not done any tutorials in Mudbox, and didn't read anything about it before, so I have just thrown myself straight into it.:)

 I have thoroughly enjoyed it, but was not able to complete the mouth of the model..:( I have attempted several times, and still left him without a mouth... Time spent on this: 1 hour 20min.

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